Patient testimony

When Jean-Léonard first suggested trying craniosacral therapy, I had been depressed for over a month. I was experiencing constant anxiety attacks, was finding it hard to focus on work, and had sleep problems – in other words, I was facing real challenges which were helped a little by the anti-depressants prescribed by a psychiatrist, but in no way cured.

The first craniosacral therapy session was incredibly intense, because it gave me a feeling of spiritual calm for the first time in months, and released the tensions which were overwhelming me. I cried with relief and had my first peaceful sleep in a long time.

Throughout the following four months, I had eight subsequent treatments by Jean-Léonard and each time, irrespective of the state I was in at the beginning of the session, I felt calmed and centred by the end. Craniosacral therapy of course wasn’t the sole driver behind my recovery but was absolutely the pivotal factor and a really important contributor.

I’d like to thank Jean-Léonard from the bottom of my heart for his professionalism and his natural empathy. 


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